Bridal make-up | Helpful tips and tricks

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Bridal make-up | Helpful tips and tricks

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DIY bridal make-up

Bridal make-up, Helpful Tips and Tricks

Your wedding look is not complete without bridal make-up. In this blog, we tell you all about make-up on your wedding day, including handy tips and tricks.

I do my own make-up

You can also choose to apply your bridal make-up yourself. However, this is riskier as it is more likely to fail, especially without preparation. So below you will read 5 tips for DIY bridal make-up.

DIY bridal make-up

Purchase 'photo proof' make-up

A lot of make-up looks good in the mirror, but is less beautiful in photographs. Therefore, read up on 'photo proof' make-up. The most important photo make-up rules are:

  • Do not use sunscreen if it is not necessary. This will reflect on the photo,
  • Buy special make-up without reflective minerals,
  • Spread foundation well. Also apply foundation on your neck and chest so you don't see any colour difference in the photos,
  • Do not apply concealer that is too light, it will be paler in the photo, causing white circles under your eyes,
  • Use mattifying powder to combat shiny skin,
  • Be careful with too much highlighter. This too becomes more intense in the photo,
  • Tighten your eyebrows just a bit more than usual. Especially at the tips. That way they will not look out of place in photos,
  • Apply a good primer. This fills in pores and fine lines.
DIY bridal make-up

Use waterproof make-up

Your wedding day is a beautiful day, but can be quite emotional. Of course, you want to avoid your mascara running out and staining your face. Even foundation can get quite smudged with tears or sweat. Therefore, only use waterproof make-up so you look good all day.

DIY bridal make-up

Watch videos

There are many videos on YouTube about applying bridal make-up. It is wise to watch these for inspiration and tips. For a wider range of videos, it is best to enter English terms. Even if you don't understand English, these videos are often easy to follow.

Take a course

There are also several courses available that teach you step-by-step how to apply your own bridal make-up. It is not only practical to learn, but also a fun day out. Moreover, you can offer girlfriends who are getting married later a beautiful make-up look. Retrieved from Beauty agency you will find a fun one-day course that focuses specifically on bridal make-up.

Make-up on the wedding day

Keep it natural

Too heavy make-up often does not suit a bridal look. It can prevent you from looking like yourself, or contrast with your wedding dress is too big. Often light colours are best, but this is of course up to you.

Apply a Setting Spray

Setting Spray is a relatively unknown product, especially among women who normally wear little make-up. Setting Spray makes make-up stay on your face longer. As a result, stains are less likely to appear.

A bridesmaid expertly applies bridal make-up on the bride.

Drink water and take extra vitamins

Drinking enough water is always important, as is taking enough vitamins. Still, it's helpful to take extra good care of yourself the days before your wedding day. By taking care of your skin, taking enough vitamins and drinking enough water, less impurities will appear on your head on your wedding day.

Practice, practice, practice!

Applying bridal make-up yourself takes some practice. So start practising on time and continue until you can create the look beautifully and flawlessly.

Getting my make-up done

Hiring a make-up artist or mua (make-up artist) brings many benefits. These professionals spend day in, day out applying make-up. As a result, they know what they are doing! They have professional make-up and can create different looks with it.

Beauticians also understand the effect of make-up on pictures. You don't easily think about it yourself, but a look that is beautiful in real life can do poorly in a photo. This has everything to do with lighting, camera flash and make-up products.

Finally, hiring a make-up artist is nice and relaxed. You don't have to practice or stress. Just sit back and let it wash over you!

Doing bridal make up during corona time

Tips for your visit to the make-up artist

Before visiting a make-up artist, it is useful to have an idea of the look you want. For inspiration, take a look at pictures on platforms like Pinterest, or watch videos of make-up looks on YouTube. Well-known make-up channels include Hindash, Brianna Fox and Chloë Morello. Of course, keeping it open is also fine. The make-up artist herself can also give suggestions to suit your face shape, hairstyle and wedding dress.

It is also wise to purchase the make-up you use yourself. You can buy it from the make-up artist, or buy it yourself in shops or over the internet. You can then buy your make-up during your wedding day touch-up yourself if the make-up starts to smudge or fade.

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About the Author: Justin Manders

As wedding photographer Since 2013, I have had the privilege of constantly seeing the most beautiful sides of people. My role is to observe and direct people and moments so that they are remembered in the most enjoyable way. I am always open to a good conversation, so don't hesitate to contact me.

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