Ready-made speech wedding

Reading time 13 Minutes

Ready-made speech wedding

Reading time 13 Minutes

A man gives a speech at a Dutch wedding to a crowd of people.

Ready-made speech for a wedding

For family & friends to the bride and groom

How nice that you are going to make a speech. Opening your heart in front of a large group of people is hugely exciting. Below are some examples to get you started. Good luck!

A group of bridesmaids and groom toast in front of a vintage car during their wedding party.

Example 1

Dear [bride/groom] and [bride/groom],

As I stand here today, watching you two exchange your vows and commit to a life of love and partnership, I am overcome with emotion.

I know [bride/groom] al [number] years, and in that time I have seen with my own eyes the love and affection that [bride/groom] has for [bride/groom]. From the moment I [bride/groom] met, I knew this was a special relationship, one meant to last a lifetime.

As I watch you come together in your lives today, I am filled with joy and happiness. I am so grateful to have been part of your journey and witnessed the love you share.

[Bride/groom] and [bride/groom], may your marriage be filled with love, laughter and happiness. May you support and encourage each other, and may your love grow stronger every day.

Congratulations on this wonderful occasion. I wish you both all the best as you begin your new life together.

With love, [Your name]

A bride and her bridesmaids, dressed in ready-to-wear attire, walk down the aisle of a church during a beautiful wedding ceremony.

Example 2

"Dear family, friends and bride and groom,

I am so honoured to be here today to celebrate the union of two amazing people (bride and groom) celebrate. They have known each other for many years and their friendship has grown into something very beautiful.

Today is a holiday and I am sure the couple is feeling a mix of emotions, happiness, joy and excitement about the future. To mark this special day, let me offer a few words of advice.

First, always be honest with each other. Always communicate your feelings and be open to listening to each other. Respect each other's opinions and never take each other for granted.

Second, make sure you always make time for each other. In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to forget how important it is to make time for your partner.

Third, don't forget to laugh and have fun together. Life is too short to take it too seriously.

Finally, my last piece of advice is to never forget why you are together. You are two people who love each other very much, and that is the most important thing.

So, for (bride and groom), may your marriage be filled with love, laughter and joy. Congratulations"

A wedding dress bride standing in front of a long table.

Example 3

"Good evening everyone,

I am so honoured and happy to be here today to celebrate this wonderful union.

First, I want to [bride and groom] thank them for having me here and for inviting us all to share this special day with them.

When [bride and groom] came together for the first time, I noticed how happy they were. They had a warmth around them that was infectious, and it was clear to everyone around them that they were meant for each other.

Since then, I have had the pleasure of watching their love grow and blossom. I have had the honour of being there when they first met, and now to be there when they say "yes" to each other today.

This day is a testament to the strength of their love and commitment to each other. [Bride and groom], may the coming years be filled with love, joy and happiness.

Cheers to the happy couple!"

Wedding photography captures the emotional moment when a bride and groom are moved to tears during their wedding ceremony.
Wedding speech

Example 4

"Dear people,

I want to thank you all for being here today to celebrate this special occasion.

I am sure you all know why we are here tonight. Our two special friends, [bride] and [groom] to see them get married and we are also here to send them off with our love and best wishes.

I have been fortunate to know these two for many years and I can say without a doubt that they are two of the most kind, caring and considerate people I know. It is beautiful to witness two people who understand and appreciate each other like [bride] and [groom] do that.

Marriage is a beautiful thing and I am so moved to see how [bride] and [groom] begin this new journey together. I know it will not be easy, but with love, patience and understanding, they will get through everything.

So let's all raise a glass to [bride] and [groom] And wishing them all the best in their new life together! Congratulations!

A man in a suit delivers a ready-made speech next to a music stand at a wedding.

Advice for a personalised speech:

A speech holding at a wedding is an exciting but honourable task. You want to make sure you honour the couple and your best wishes for their future together, but you also want to make sure you share the speech don't make it too long or add anything inappropriate. Follow these tips to ensure you have a great speech holds.

1. Consider what suits them

Start by thinking about the couple and their relationship. What do you know about them that put you in the speech can include? What makes their relationship unique? Use this information to create aspeech make that is personalised and meaningful.

2. Organise

Make a list of all the points you have in the speech want to make. Prioritise them so you know which ones should come first and which ones you can skip if you are running out of time.

3. Practice

Practise your speech. Speak it out loud a few times so you can get familiar with the words. It also helps to practise in front of a mirror or with friends so you can get feedback on how it sounds.

4. Make jokes

Make sure you have a few funny stories on hand. You don't have to have the whole speech funny, but a few funny anecdotes or jokes in your speech can break the tension.

5. The duration of the speech

A good speech is short and sweet so that everyone keeps their attention. Around 5 minutes is often a good time.

Simple Timer
A group of people standing on a boat during the perfect wedding party, with coloured smoke creating a beautiful wedding photographer moment.

6. Elements to build the speech

Here is a comprehensive collection of elements you can use to put together a personalised wedding speech. You can combine or modify these elements as you wish to create the perfect speech create for the occasion.

Introduction and Welcome

  • Welcoming the Guests:
    • "Dear family and friends, what an honour to see you all here today. Thank you for sharing this special day with us."
    • "Welcome, everyone! We are so glad you are here to join us in celebrating this important step in our lives."
  • Expressing Gratitude for Presence:
    • "It means so much to us that you are here today. Your presence makes this day complete."
    • "We want to thank you for your love and support, not just today, but over all these years."
  • Remembering Those Who Cannot Be There:
    • "Let us also take a moment to remember those who cannot be with us today, but whom we carry in our hearts."
    • "Although not everyone can be physically present, we feel their love and support here with us."

Personal Stories and Reflections

  • How You Met:
    • "It seems like it was yesterday that we met. From that first moment, I felt a click I had never felt before."
    • "Our first meeting may have been unexpected, but from that moment, I knew there was something special between us," he says.
  • Growing as a Couple:
    • "In the time we spent together, we learned so much - about each other, about ourselves and about what it means to truly love someone."
    • "Every adventure we have taken together has made us stronger and brought us closer together."
  • The Impact of Relationship on Your Life:
    • "Since I met you, my life has taken on new meaning. You inspire me to be the best version of myself."
    • "Thanks to you, I have learned what true love means - sharing the small and big moments, and always being there for each other."


  • To Parents:
    • "A special thanks goes to our parents. You have taught us what it means to love and be loved."
    • "Thank you for your unconditional support, wisdom and love. Without you, we would not be standing here today."
  • To Family and Friends:
    • "Our friends and family are our foundation. Your love and friendship mean more to us than words can express."
    • "Thank you for all the beautiful memories, for your support and for always believing in us."
  • To in-laws:
    • "To my new family, I feel so blessed to be part of your family. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms."
    • "I am so grateful for the love and warmth you have given me. It feels like coming home."

A bride and groom raise their hands in the air during a wedding reception.

Advice and Life Lessons

  • Advice for a Happy Marriage:
    • "Always stay honest and open with each other. Good communication is the key to a strong and loving marriage."
    • "Never take anything for granted. Keep making time for each other, even when life is busy."
  • The Value of Laughing Together:
    • "Never forget to laugh together. Humour keeps love alive and makes the journey through life so much more enjoyable."
    • "Life is serious enough sometimes - make sure you continue to enjoy the small, funny moments together."
  • Cherish the Little Things:
    • "It is the small gestures, the unexpected hugs, and the moments of silence together that are most precious."
    • "A marriage is like a garden - make sure you water it daily with love, attention and patience."

Humour and Lightness

  • Airy Notes:
    • "They say marriage is all about give and take... and today I admit that fortunately I took the best deal!"
    • "I still remember the first time [groom/bride] tried to cook for me... It was one of those moments when I knew this was going to be an adventure!"
  • Funny Stories:
    • "There have been so many moments when we have laughed together until it brought tears to our eyes. Like that time we got lost on our road trip and eventually discovered we were just driving in circles!"
    • "I will never forget the day [groom/bride] surprised me with a homemade dinner. It was... unforgettable, so to speak."

Future vision and promise

  • Looking to the future:
    • "I look forward to building a life together, with all the ups and downs that come with it. Together, we can handle anything."
    • "May every day ahead be a new opportunity to love and grow together."
  • Promise to Partner:
    • "I promise you that I will always be there for you, in good times and bad. We will laugh together, cry together, and grow stronger together."
    • "I choose you, today and every day. You are my home, my refuge, and my greatest love."
A bride reads her wedding vows in the presence of a priest.

Symbolic Gestures and Traditions

  • Symbolic Wishes:
    • "May our marriage be filled with the same joy we feel today, and may our love continue to blossom through the years."
    • "As a tree grows with strong roots and branches stretching to the sky, so may our love grow and guide us through life."
  • Honouring Traditions:
    • "We also want to take a moment to reflect on the traditions that brought us together here today. These rituals remind us of the power of love and community."
    • "The rings we exchanged today are not only symbols of our love, but also of our commitment to stay together no matter what."


  • Toast:
    • "Let's raise a glass together to love, to friendship, and to a future full of happiness. Cheers!"
    • "Here's to us, to our journey together, and to all the beautiful moments yet to come. Let's enjoy today and look forward to the future."
  • Thank you to the Guests:
    • "Once again, thank you to everyone here today. You make this day unforgettable for us."
    • "Thank you for being part of this special moment in our lives. We will cherish this day forever."
  • Final message:
    • "Love is the most beautiful gift we can give each other. Let us celebrate this love and together ensure that it continues to grow."
    • "May the love we share today be a light that illuminates our path, now and always."

With this comprehensive set of elements, you can make any speech adapt to the style, tone and message that best suits you and your special day. Whether you choose an emotional, humorous or traditional approach, these building blocks give you the flexibility to create something truly personal and memorable.

7. Are you going to make your own speech and have any questions?

Then you can ask below in the comments.

A group of people laughing and enjoying a Lacy speech at a wedding table.

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About the Author: Justin Manders

As wedding photographer Since 2013, I have had the privilege of constantly seeing the most beautiful sides of people. My role is to observe and direct people and moments so that they are remembered in the most enjoyable way. I am always open to a good conversation, so don't hesitate to contact me.


  1. Stephen 24 September 2024 at 15:34 - Reply

    It's wonderful to see how you're offering so many practical elements for crafting a personalised speech. With your sample texts and tips, people can find inspiration to create a unique and personal contribution on a special day like a wedding. Whether the goal is to create a humorous, emotional, or traditional speech, the structure and examples provided make it accessible for anyone who wants to express their feelings in a beautiful way. This is really valuable for anyone struggling to find the right words!

  2. Marianne 19 August 2024 at 15:28 - Reply

    Hi you have nice examples listed that are quite adaptable but do you have an example I can give to my guests as a bride.
    I've tried soooo many times but it doesn't work!

    • Justin Manders 20 August 2024 at 13:29 - Reply

      Hi Marianne, Here is a sample for a bride to her guests as an example:

      "Dear family, friends and my wonderful husband,

      What an amazing day this is! As I stand here, surrounded by all our loved ones, I feel so grateful and blessed. Grateful for the love and support you all have shown, not just today, but throughout our journey together.

      I would like to start with a special thank you to everyone who is here today. Your presence means the world to us. Whether you have come from near or far, you are all an important part of our lives, and the fact that you are here to share this moment with us makes it truly unforgettable.

      Dearest [name of groom], from the first day we met, I knew there was something special between us. You made me laugh, you supported me, and above all, you showed me what true love is. Today, we sealed our love for each other with this beautiful promise, and I cannot wait to face the future together, hand in hand, as husband and wife.

      To my family and friends, I cannot thank you enough for your unconditional love and support. You have shaped me into who I am, and it means so much that you are here today to celebrate this special moment.

      And to my in-laws, I am so grateful to be part of your family. You have welcomed me with open arms, and I feel blessed to start this new journey with you.

      Let us celebrate this day together, surrounded by the warmth of our family and friends. May this day be the beginning of a life full of love, happiness and unforgettable moments.

      To us, to love, and to the future ahead.

      Much love and gratitude to all of you."

      There is nothing personal in this text, but this will give you some ideas. I hope it helps you on your way, Good luck!

  3. Adriana 2 August 2024 at 23:38 - Reply

    day Justin, my son is getting married at the end of August. can you give me some tips on how to make a speech.

    • Justin Manders 13 August 2024 at 14:48 - Reply

      Hello Adriana, That's very soon already! I have some tips at the end of this article but collect anecdotes and tell what you thought about it and what you felt. I believe that will get you very far. The first version will never be perfect right away and it doesn't have to be, but practise it and gauge how long your speech will be. Between 5 and 10 minutes is fine. For you and others, I just made a timer. Good luck!

  4. Dick 9 June 2024 at 11:23 - Reply

    Hello Justin, soon we will be married for 50 years, I want to do a welcome speech at this and then make a toast together, can you help me with this.
    Best regards Dick and Wil

  5. Walter grundeken 4 October 2023 at 08:39 - Reply

    Hi Justin, my son is getting married and I can't manage to put something on paper........,the wedding is as early as Friday,do you have anything ready-made for me please
    Thanks in advance Justin

    • Justin Manders 4 October 2023 at 10:12 - Reply

      Hello Walter,

      Happy to help you with this. I made some questions for you to answer in order to put something on paper:

      Memories of childhood:

      What are your favourite memories of his childhood?
      Are there moments you will always cherish?

      Growth and Development:

      How did you see him grow and develop into the person he is today?
      Are there any specific achievements or milestones that have made you particularly proud?

      Shared Interests and Activities:

      What are some activities or interests you share together?
      Are there any traditions you have built together?

      Life Lessons and Advice:

      Are there any important life lessons you want to share with him?
      Do you have any advice for him as he goes through his own life journey?
      Challenges and Support:

      Have there been times when he helped you through a difficult period?
      How did he support you and how did you support him?

      Future and Hope:

      What are your hopes and dreams for his future?
      Are there specific things you hope he will experience or achieve?

      Love and Appreciation:

      How do you express your love and appreciation for him?
      Are there ways he has enriched your life that you would like to highlight?

      Wisdom and Values:

      What values do you hope he will embody in his life?
      Are there bits of wisdom you want to share based on your own life experiences?

      Friendship and Relationship:

      How did your relationship develop as he got older?
      Are there aspects of your relationship that you find particularly valuable?


      How would you sum up your feelings and wishes for him as you close the letter?
      Are there any blessings or good wishes you have for him as he moves forward?

      I hope this will help you.

  6. Jason 13 August 2023 at 11:59 - Reply

    I am getting married and looking for a basic letter I can rely on.

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