Corona wedding measures

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Corona wedding measures

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corona wedding

Corona wedding measures

This page details the latest COVID-19 guidelines applicable to your wedding celebration. We strive to make your special day both safe and memorable.

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Current rules for a wedding corona:

1.5 metre distance rule

Currently, there is no obligation to keep 1.5 metres distance.

Mouth caps

Wearing mouth caps is currently not mandatory during weddings.

Corona admission ticket

There is no requirement to show a corona ticket.

Fixed seats

There is no requirement for fixed seating during the wedding.

Testing For Access

Pre-testing for entry is currently not mandatory for wedding guests.

We continue to monitor the situation closely and will update this overview as guidelines change. Our priority is to ensure a safe and memorable experience for all attendees.

A man in suit with face mask in front of a window during the corona pandemic.


Do you expect Corona to be a problem for weddings in 2023?

A woman captures a precious moment of her granddaughter on an iPad.

Frequently asked questions

Question: Can we have our wedding?

Yes there is nothing standing in the way of your wedding right now. If the Corona numbers go up, though, you may be wedding day will be limited.

Question: What is allowed at a corona wedding?

The restrictions are mainly in keeping distance from each other. The number of guests are also restricted. Wearing a mouth mask can also be a measure to limit spread.

Question: How long is corona contagious?

Answer: You are contagious about 2 weeks after the first symptoms.

Question: Can you have corona twice?

Answer: Yes you can get infected several times in a row but in general you will get sick less.

Question: Until what time can a corona wedding be?

Answer: Currently, there are no restrictions regarding time at a wedding but if it is the case then dhe same times as the hospitality industry.

Corona wedding figures

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Corona wedding figures

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About the Author: Justin Manders

As wedding photographer Since 2013, I have had the privilege of constantly seeing the most beautiful sides of people. My role is to observe and direct people and moments so that they are remembered in the most enjoyable way. I am always open to a good conversation, so don't hesitate to contact me.

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